Home / Culture / To live soberly or “drinking”culture?

To live soberly or “drinking”culture?

All those who fight against prohibition, not lead a single figure, a single scientific fact

Жить трезво или «пить культурно»?

First of all, none of the adherents of “cultural” drinking wine is not said, what is it?

What is meant by this term? How to reconcile these two mutually mutually exclusive concepts: alcohol and culture?

Maybe the term “cultural” drinking wine, these people understand the environment in which the absorption of wine?

Beautifully decorated table, great appetizer, exquisitely dressed people, and they drink the highest grade of cognac, liqueur, Burgundy wine or kinzmarauli? It is a culture of wine drinking?

Scientific evidence published by the who, like the wine-drinking not only does not prevent, but rather creates a more favorable environment for the development of alcohol abuse and alcoholism in the world. And according to her, the recent so-called “managerskie” alcoholism, the alcoholism business people, senior officials comes out on top in the world.

And if the concept “culture” of wine drinking is embedded setting, then, as we have seen, is not tenable and leads to further development of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

May be adherents of “cultural” drinking wine mean that after taking some doses of wine people become more cultured, smarter, more interesting, their conversation more meaningful, filled with deep meaning? After the adoption of “small” and “moderate”, or after taking large doses? About the promoters of “cultural” drinking wine, silent.

Let us examine both positions from a scientific point of view.

School I. Pavlov proved that after the first, smallest dose of alcohol in the cerebral cortex become paralyzed those departments that incorporated elements of education, i.e. culture.

So, what is the culture of wine drinking can say, if after the first glass disappears in the brain is exactly what is acquired by education, that is, disappears the culture of human behavior, violations of higher brain functions, that is, associations that are replaced by the lower forms.

The last arise in the mind quite out of place and cling stubbornly. In this regard, these persistent associations remind him purely pathological. The change in the quality of the associations is due to the vulgarity of drunken thoughts, a tendency to stereotypical and trivial expressions, and to an empty play on words.

These are scientific data about the state of mental sphere of a person, who “moderate” dose of alcohol. What is “culture”? From the analysis presented there is nothing that at least in some degree resembled the culture, neither in thinking nor in the actions of one who has taken any, including the “small” dose of alcohol.

I think no need to describe the scientific evidence of human behavior, took a large dose of alcohol. There we will find even fewer moments of thinking in human behavior that would speak about culture.

How vigorously some sociologists are fighting for “moderate”, “cultural” drinking, just as categorically opposed to a complete ban of production and sale of alcoholic drinks.

The world health organization 100 years later after having studied the experience of struggle with alcoholism, recognized that the distribution of alcohol is regulated by prices for alcohol, all kinds of propaganda without legislative measures are not effective.

I like the doctor especially hard and painful to hear about “moderate doses” and “cultural” wine drinking because it’s too often I meet with tragedies, which were based on “cultural” wine drinking and “moderate” dose. About these tragedies, all of you probably know but not all contact with them as close as doctors.

Why don’t these people bring the culture of human communication without the use of this poison? It would seem that if a person talks about alcoholism, how about the disaster, the primary and sole objective should be is to teach the person disgusted with it, and not to attribute alcohol some “cultural” properties, which it does not and can not be.

It is characteristic that all those who fight against prohibition, not lead a single figure, a single scientific fact. Only General statements: “more”, “more”, etc.
However, the desire of the people to a sober life is inevitable and unavoidable as a healthy, progressive lifestyle, for life itself, the progress, no matter what obstacles stood in his path, only the path of good and truth.

That’s why, despite the fact that some organs of the press and media are on the wrong track, promoting the restriction of wine consumption, people more and neobratimye there is a movement for the complete awakening of the people. Have any clubs, groups, temperance societies, make decisions on conferences and meetings that have to go on the path of sobriety.

False: wine reduces stress.

The truth: wine creates the illusion of stress relief. In fact, the tension in the brain and throughout the nervous system is preserved, and when the hop voltage is still greater than before the adoption of wine… But added to this is the weakening of will and fatigue.

Lie: the wine must be taken “for fun”.

Really: fun and laughter are very important moments in a person’s life. They give rest to the brain, distracting thoughts from everyday worries than strengthen the nervous system, preparing it for new works and worries. But laughter and fun are only useful in those cases when they arise in a sober person. Drunken revelry there can not be scientific and reasonable understanding of this state.

Drunk “fun” is not that other, as excitation under anesthesia, first stage of anesthesia, the stage of excitation, which we, the surgeons, routinely observed when giving the patient other drugs (ether, chloroform, morphine, etc.), which in its action is identical with alcohol and just like alcohol, are drugs.

This stage of excitation nothing to do with fun not and after it there is no rest for the nervous system. On the contrary, instead of relaxing the depression comes with all the consequences (headache, lethargy, weakness, unwillingness to work, etc.). That is never observed when sober fun.

So alcohol is not a friend, but an enemy of fun. It negates the time that the person diverts for fun and relaxation. Instead, he gets a headache and fatigue. The same way alcohol acts in fatigue. A day off is given to man so that he physically and mentally rested and with new forces, with the desire to work went to work after the holiday.

Meanwhile, alcohol, enacted in the day, deprives people of normal rest. He has only the illusion of rest, and in fact all tiredness is not only preserved, but even more builds up, making Monday becomes the day “heavy”, since no relaxation of the nervous system due to fault.
In all such cases, alcohol acts as an evil deceiver, giving the appearance of good, he does evil.

The truth is a mighty factor in the sobering of the people, in his deliverance from the illusions adhered to by the people about wine, not noticing that it kills hundreds of thousands and millions of people in the flourishing age.

From this brief comparison of the lies and the truth about alcohol can be seen that lying is a strong weapon in the hands of those who would like to spoil and destroy our people. Therefore, in order to protect him from drinking, carrying with it a degradation of the nation, it is necessary to close access to all truth about alcohol and to speak and write the truth. Those who under various pretexts and under different sauce would be to push a lie about alcohol — considered as the worst enemies of our people.

Academician Fyodor Corners, excerpted from “Suicide”

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