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Since yesterday all of you are slaves.

Со вчерашнего дня вы все — рабы.

The main investigator of the country demanded urgent measures on introduction in the country of totalitarianism: the Fatherland, he says, is in danger, the terrorists were pressing — need censorship, to imprison everybody and better to fight with America.
Earlier Bastrykin explained the same measures scary pedophiles. Now terrorists. But the sense is the same. So the people feared, and the government sat as if glued to Brezhnev full.

Although, of course, style can not but rejoice: “Stop playing in redemocracy following pseudoliberalism values.” “Interesting in this regard, the experience of foreign States opposing the United States and its allies”. “Taking into account the place of the act (the Crimean referendum) in the system hierarchy of value orientations of the Russian state and society, of course, required special legal protection, including by means of criminal law”. http://kommersant.ru/doc/2961578

In other years this entire article would be luck of the writer-the satirist. Orwell and Zamyatin also tore with his hands. But no, not joking with us, and to the literature this has any relation. Leave thoughts about “they probe the soil.” They did not probe, it is absolutely clear programme of action, which informed the subordinate population. It is not a proposal to discuss whether to impose serfdom, and an informational message only. Since yesterday all of you are slaves.

And in the state there is no force which is able to stop it. All in favour.

Of course, it is naive to hope that Bastrykin with Zolotov intraspecific competition: who is stronger will propose to tighten the screws, the more he’ll like it. But we-what difference, who? Pravoohranitelnye system in the country formed successfully.

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