Home / Business / Sick from 8 am to 8 PM is not recommended.

Sick from 8 am to 8 PM is not recommended.

Болеть с 8 утра до 8 вечера не рекомендуется.

Shame oblmedzdrav Arkhangelsk region: the inhabitants of Koloa receive emergency Medicaid only at night

In the village of Kuloy, Arkhangelsk region residents can obtain emergency medical care only at night from 8 PM to 8 am – at other times rooting is not recommended. Guidance On CRB refers to the optimization and lack of personnel. Oblinski silent. About it the correspondent of IA “Echo of the NORTH” in Velsk district.

Since optimization in healthcare been about six months, but the medical institutions of the region continue to crumble. The inhabitants of the Plesetsk district will direct the appeal in Arkhangelsk, the Ministry of health with the demand to solve problems at a local hospital, the regional hospital, to pay for electricity, get in the credits.

And similar messages from area residents and employees of medical institutions received at our editorial office with disturbing regularity.

We offer to your attention another home literally example…

Once again the “famous” suffering village of Kuloy (Belsky district), which is being constantly shaken by “Holodomor”. Of course, the inhabitants of Koloa such glory to anything, but nowhere to go – it seems that the officials of special cases to the village with a population of just over 5 thousand people simply no.

Another kuloi drama revolves around the work of ambulance in the village. Think about it, she now works in the period from 20:00 to 8:00 PM – only at night. That is, if someone became ill at 8:01, it is likely that emergency medical care will not have to wait. It sounds scary. It is hardly necessary to emphasize the fact that in the village live both adults and children. But the fact that people are deprived of full medical care, causing uncomfortable thoughts about the genocide.

Horror adds that on weekends the ambulance is not to wait at ALL. On Saturdays and Sundays need to rest and not get sick – apparently, the logic of the regional Ministry of health.

Moreover, people are deprived of the opportunity directly to call an ambulance – their first calls come in Velickou CRH. Here again the question arises about the TIME – in an emergency every minute can be the last in human life. If not the second…

As for the paramedics, they Coulagot works only (!) two. IA “Echo of the NORTH” became known that one of them is going to soon write a letter of resignation (if nothing changes), because the workload and the salary is commensurate. However, the medical worker can understand – not this optimization they expected when the staff was reduced, wages are not raised, and work is not something that is not diminished, it has increased significantly.

18 Oct in Kuloy arrived the Deputy chief physician of TSRB On Svetlana Makarova. Meeting Makarova and villagers was held in the Assembly hall of Children’s art school. Nothing intelligible the representative of the district hospital to explain the audience could not, constantly referring to the shortage of personnel.

Residents of Koloa noted that their appeal to the regional Ministry of health and the guidance On CRB no positive effect do not give. Optimization can cause enormous harm to the long-suffering village. People are in panic and do not know how to live in such conditions…

Photo – meeting of the inhabitants of Koloa with the Deputy Director On CRB Svetlana Makarova. Judging by the fact that in a hall the Apple had no place to fall, a problem for kulauzov really burning.

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