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Seven habits that have a beneficial effect on the heart

Семь привычек, оказывающих благотворное влияние на сердцеIn advance to strengthen the heart and prevent a variety of diseases can be yourself, revising your lifestyle.

Through the heart the man lives, as soon as the body stops working — death. In this regard, doctors strongly recommend to take care of your heart and blood vessels young, and not when it is too late to do anything about it. From today every person can begin to change your life, what will have a beneficial effect on your heart.

These habits will allow you to live to a ripe old age without heart problems:

1. Daily begin to measure blood pressure. This way you will be able to control themselves and in the case that the pressure jump or, conversely, a strong fall, then you will know what to do with it. It’s a great measure of prevention of hypertension. If the pressure is not OK, then you need to go to the doctor and get tested in order to find the cause and begin treatment.

2. To review diet. Definitely need to include in your daily menu foods that have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system due to vitamins and minerals. Such foods include: avocados, bananas, berries, pomegranate, walnuts, fish and so on.

3. Not to eat greasy food. More precisely, not absolutely to renounce the fat and significantly reduce their number. Norm of fat for healthy person suffering from obesity is 50-60 Gy.

4. Watch the cholesterol. In some products, particularly in fatty meat and egg yolks contain bad cholesterol from turning into plaque that can clog blood vessels.

5. To amend the order of the day Hiking in the fresh air and active exercise. Exercise can be morning or evening, but they must be present in the life of every person who cares about your heart and health in General.

6. Quitting Smoking will greatly improve the condition of your heart and blood vessels. If you stop Smoking, you will decrease your chances of heart disease.

7. If you already have heart problems, it is implicitly follow the recommendations of the attending doctor. Do not skip the medication and regularly be surveyed to not run the disease.

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