Home / Medicine / Scientists said that in some cases useful products can hurt

Scientists said that in some cases useful products can hurt

Ученые рассказали, в каких случаях полезные продукты могут навредитьEven healthy foods can change.

In some cases, seemingly innocuous foods – potatoes, cherries, apricots, cherries, fish, shellfish. mushrooms, etc. can be extremely dangerous. How to protect yourself read this article.

All the foods we eat benefit us?

No. Now we are not talking about industrial semi-finished products produced with the addition of various “E-NIS”. As it turns out, almost any product, if improperly applying it, you can find harmful substances. Take, for example, ordinary potatoes. If the tubers after they are dug from the ground, not placed in a dark place, and they were stored too long in the light, they appear green spots. It is the solanine is an alkaloid which is poisonous. It also accumulates in the potatoes, which were stored correctly, but for a long period. Such properties accumulate to maximum performance before spring. That is why nutritionists suggest to have the old smaller spring potatoes, and actively replace it with cereals.

Of course, do not just throw out all the potatoes, noticing her typical “green”. Just such tubers should be well cleaned, boiled, and the broth is completely drained.

Can be dangerous for our body such berries and fruits like cherries, apricots, cherries?

It turns out, Yes. All stone fruits contain cyanogenic glycosides, which break up into components of which damage the gastrointestinal tract.

The greatest concentration of these glycosides contained in the seed, therefore, you should never use it for food. During the winter preparations of the whole fruit contained in them bones, passing severe heat treatment, lose their harmful properties. But still, nutritionists recommend to all stone fruit jams and compotes to use in the first year after their billets.

Now let’s talk about the “dangers” of vegetables and herbs

They can be dangerous if in the process of growing generously fertilized with nitrates. Early-maturing varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, redacci literally crammed with toxins. Very well accumulate harmful substances and green onion, dill, spinach, sorrel. Ingested nitrates are converted into hazardous compounds that can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to contribute to the development of cancer.

But to us quite on forces to reduce the impact of nitrates on the body – these substances are lost during the cleaning of the top layer of vegetables are destroyed by cooking and even storage. If harvested, for example, for winter cabbage to put in the basement by the end of the winter, the nitrate content in it is reduced by 50%.

A dangerous influence on our body can have fish, crayfish, clams, and mushrooms

And all because they are a good “reservoirs” of heavy metals. It is not necessary to collect mushrooms in the forest, which is adjacent to a noisy highway; no risk to fish in industrial waters. Opening a “fresh” canned, just put their contents in a safe utensils – tin is oxidized and lead goes into the products.

Finally, it is necessary to remind about natural substances that can also have a negative impact on our bodies – biogenic amino. Most fermented foods contain tyramine, which can cause cardiovascular reactions and allergies. Similarly happens with histamine, which accumulates in sun-dried fish. Chocolate, bananas contain serotonin, which at the same time, may cause severe headaches.

And completely all moldy foods contain mycotoxins, the poison that trigger allergies, intestinal disorders and reduced immune defenses. So without regret throw away “rotten” cheese, buns, rotten apples and berries.

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