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Scientists pills printed on a 3D printer

Ученые напечатали таблетки на 3D-принтереFor the first time in the world was able to print drugs on a 3D printer.

Singapore scientists have come up with the latest in 3d printing technology, which is able to implement medications in standardized dosages.

The scientific staff of the laboratory at the national University of Singapore have invented a new 3d printing technology capable of delivering drugs, standardized dosages that are optimal for daily use.

According to the authors of research, their development is unique and very promising project, as for a long period of time technologies and products in the field of personalized medicine were only at the idea stage and quite costly and difficult. This technology differs significantly from traditional methods of manufacturing drugs, since printing is performed not in layers, but from a combination of three components.

One of the main advantages of this technology is that the unit of the drug you can implement a combination of several means.

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