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Scientists invented a computer running on the water

Учеными изобретен компьютер, работающий на водеThe scientists were able to create a computer that is not from electricity, and water. The new development can replace all existing forms of energy.

Modern devices work only on electricity, which is produced using different methods (air, sunlight, heat).

The new development is completely different from all the existing analogues, because it is based on water. The method is based on the motion of drops and exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Such devices are limited in their capabilities. A computer that uses water as power, produces only the simplest of tasks. However, scientists believe that it is not the most important task in the future, the speed and functionality will improve for the better.

We note, for a long time, scientists worldwide are trying to find an alternative form of electricity. The emphasis is on the water, because it is the cheapest and most available material on the planet.

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