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Scientists have proven that laziness is a sign of high intelligence

Scientists have proven that laziness is a sign of high intelligence

(updated: 10:02 09.08.2016)

Ученые доказали, что лень является признаком высокого интеллекта

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<abbr class=”inject-data” data-mediaid=”1473904417″ data-mainview=”https://cdn3.img.ria.ru/images/147390/45/1473904523.jpg” data-preview=”https://cdn1.img.ria.ru/images/147390/45/1473904527.jpg” data-description=”the Man resting on the couch with a book. Archival photo” data-title=”Scientists have proven that laziness is a sign of high intelligence” data-mediadate=”08.08.2016″ data-copyright=”© Fotolia/ theartofphoto”></abbr>


Ученые доказали, что лень является признаком высокого интеллекта

© Fotolia/ George Dolgikh

Scientists refuted the myth about the stupidity of blondes

MOSCOW, 8 Aug – RIA Novosti. Scientists from the U.S. found that laziness indicates a high level of IQ, writes The Independent with reference to Journal of Health Psychology.


Researchers from the University of Florida conducted a survey among several dozen students, during which they were asked to choose one of the options when solving complex problems. According to the results of the survey, we selected an experimental group of 60 people. Of these, 30 people said that “get pleasure from performing tasks that include the invention of new ways of solving problems”, the rest say what they think on the task only when the need arises.

For participants in the experiment wearing fitness bracelets, which for weeks had measured their level of activity. In the end it turned out that the group of “thinking” students commit significantly less movements. According to researchers, these data can be described as “very significant” and “sustainable” from the point of view of statistics.



Ученые доказали, что лень является признаком высокого интеллекта

© Fotolia/ philidor

Scientists have found a gene mutation which lowers IQ by 25 points

Scientists came to the conclusion that people do not tend to think much faster to boredom, so they have a desire to fill free time physical activity. In addition, laziness is a sign that the person is prone to dipping into their own thoughts, and physically active people consume a lot of energy, and they simply did not remain forces on different kinds of reflections.


While scientists emphasize that a high IQ is no excuse for sedentary lifestyle

RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/science/20160808/1473887286.html#ixzz4Gzi5OUgh

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