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Political narcissism in Russia: normal

Политический нарциссизм в России: границы нормы

Ruining the country authorities-the narcissist does not lose touch with the reality of the mass consciousness. She quite reaches the desired results, supporting the mass affects.

Previous articles in this series discussed the complexities of dealing primarily with the social narcissist. Collective disorder leaves a person an extra chance to disconnect, recognizing Narcissa is not in himself but in the object of identification, whether the leader, the power or cohesive mass. When a person is not so much in love with myself (often this is just an inferiority complex), but comes from the grandiosity and omnipotence of the political whole, with which he identifies himself, is an otherwise you and hate – many examples, including ours. But there is something that is difficult to break with the community, helping political assemblies to keep potential renegades. In addition, even when symptoms the diagnosis is not obvious: the norm here is constantly “floats” and the same narcissism in other doses and contexts can be quite constructive.

Between the nature and clinic

Narcissism is an amazing theme that allows people to gauge the deviation in the policy, to better understand themselves, their installation, manners, style relationship with others — with family, with colleagues and superiors, with the state, the government and the country, with different ethnic groups and peoples. Therefore, the conversation about power in this case is also a mirror for the individual characters — therapy and a free medical examination.

But to enter such a dialogue is not easy. Daffodils in General are extremely aggressive towards psychoanalysis. Not to break the already fragile contact with the patient, it is necessary very carefully to distinguish psychopathology in private and strict sense of the word from the usual turbulence of character, in General, remaining within the normal range. Otherwise, you will regularly catch your own narcissism with an unhealthy desire to see the clinic in the usual originality of the character (albeit somewhat exaggerated). For policy and collectives is especially critical, since the norm here is shifted, the reaction is sharpened, and a pathology so familiar that, as such, generally not recognized.

In the popular sense, the word “Narcissus” is perceived not as a diagnosis, but merely as a hint of the weirdness that can be funny and even justified (art and science) or unpleasant (in politics and life), but no more. Often it is only the stamp duty wit; so human in everyday life can easily be called “schizo”, not having in mind that he is really seriously ill with schizophrenia.

In addition, there is a lot of cushioning. Even the daffodils in the border state is not the same as psychopaths and crazy, although, for example, antisocial syndrome they can fall into wild aggression and rage, not to mention vindictive vindictiveness (which in politics is usually hidden, but worse consequences). Narcissism as a separate disease was included in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders) is not immediately; in the first versions of the DSM-V (2013) narcissistic personality disorder and was completely excluded from the classification, but the experts then decided to keep it.

Not to look like a mudslinger and a bad stylist, interpret literally own metaphors and hyperbole, it is helpful to study and “reverse” the positive side of narcissism when it is justified and even necessary at certain stages of the personality formation, as well as when such properties are constructive and allow you to achieve more than a “normal” psyche. In the current Russian situation is particularly interesting, since the criteria of “constructive” strongly shot down, and that from the point of view of the government and its interests in this segment may look constructive for the country often turns destructive triumph of conceit, grandiosity cardboard and fixing the image. Our policy is an increasingly common situation; there are adults (for example, the ideologues and commentators with conspiracy nonsense or authors of the weird laws) from the position of ordinary common sense look like typical crazy, if not sick, but from the point of view of their own political status and material interests are found to be extremely rational and calculating. To play the role of a psycho the Governor is not quite the same as actually moving, though, and addictive.

Conversely, a meaningful and strategically responsible behavior in our politics increasingly look like a heroic bent, and that’s perceived by the public. It’s called honest, but politically unsustainable (see last election).

Also important is the set of criteria establishing the distinction between the moderate, tolerant of deviation and disorder, actually destroying life and personality (“malignant narcissism” by Otto Kernberg). This is meaningful in everyday life, personality psychopathology, and socio-political. So, with regard to current politics in Russia, it is important to understand where a special kind of “style” due to circumstances of personal and organizational character, begins to degenerate into a destructive pathology with failures in communication, empathy and sustenance, until the sacramental of the death drive. Ever about the regime wrote: and he took death by the image of his.

Narcissism and constructive transition

Immediately jump through age narcissism, characteristic of the early stages of individual psychoanalyze: this was later specifically. We note only that in politics, this stage often repeatedly are: society, regime, and with them the community from time to time, especially after the revolutionary shocks “born again”, almost from scratch learning the world and themselves in it. Here increased focus on a normal and even necessary: adults, like children, have a clean slate to solve the problems of identity, of adaptation, of primary socialization. And what happened in Russia in the early 1990-ies, in the category of these “re-births in adulthood” at once. The narcissism of the current Russian elites and masses is largely due to this “hard childhood, deprived of love, recognition and self-respect.

It is considered that in certain limits of particularly anxious feeling which a person feels for himself, not serious and even plays a positive role. In dynamic psychiatry this effect is described as follows: “a person with a constructive narcissism is characterized by adequately high self-esteem, self-esteem, high self-sufficiency, healthy ambition, openness, the ability to enjoy the fullness of life […] and get a sense of joy from the growing possibilities of self-realization; ability to sincerely forgive mistakes and failures to yourself and others”. Of the behavioral characteristics you can add emotional and spiritual maturity, self-confidence and self-control, the ability to find intuitive decisions, acting independently and responsibly, without succumbing to external pressure and manipulation attempts. Also note the realism of self-perception, tolerance to one’s own weaknesses and shortcomings of others. The list can go on, we emphasize that these wonderful qualities of constructive narcissism increases compared to “normal”.

It is also indicative of the known distribution of outstanding daffodils in different fields. Constructive closer to creativity: Nietzsche, Dali, Borges. Otherwise in politics: Nero, Ivan the terrible, Robespierre, Mussolini and Hitler, Kim Jong Il, Pol Pot and IDI Amin, Mugabe, Mengistu Haile Mariam, than Shwe, Omar al-Bashir, Mobutu, Hussein, Gaddafi…

Generally assumed that authoritarianism and dictatorship narcissistic by nature: they are energized by self-love and cultivate it. Over time, the sole power only aggravates the original disorder, and opposing it only truly great people.

Destructive and malignant

Destructive narcissism in its properties, of course, mirrored constructive: a Grand reassessment of its importance, omnipotent attempts and illusions; exaggerated ideas about their abilities and the phantoms of genius; fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance; maniacal belief in its exclusivity and uniqueness, the need for demonstrative recognition and admiration. In relation to the other is roughly consumer strategy with a complete lack of empathy, disregard for the feelings and interests of others, manifestation of proud ignorance, arrogance, scorn. This craze prevents the actual achievements (e.g., career and personal life or in the economy, knowledge and technology), the fatal spoils relations with people (as well as with other countries and with the international community). A separate article – a wild waste of a picture, for performances of theatrical triumph and adoration. Emperor Bokassa spent half the budget on his coronation, during which he sat on a throne of pure gold in the crown and mantle, copied from the coronation of Napoleon. We are all not as pompous and not so tacky, but orders of magnitude more expensive.

Possible and more severe situation. The syndrome of malignant narcissism that combines narcissistic and antisocial disorders, characterized by strong paranoid orientation, ego-sintana aggression (correlation only with its own standards while blatantly ignoring everything else), sadism directed against others or expressed in a specific type of “triumphant self-inflicted” up to suicide attempts. In severe cases it can be seen in narcissistic rage (and at the same time in official policy and in the attitudes of aggressive self-righteous mass, ready to devour the peaceful and relatively harmless “liberastov”, wrong Directors, photographers and curators of exhibitions together with the exhibits). The grandeur of the blue, and petty omnipotence (for example, Russian officers with urine at the ready) – the theme is sharp and vital, but requires a separate analysis.

Hybrid effects

If in individual cases the layout between normality and pathology, as well as between constructive and destructive is linear and generally clear, collective and political narcissism all the more difficult and not clear. Here it’s more like a three-dimensional matrix, each cell which is not a direct answer to a number of questions: who exactly is the carrier of the observed symptoms of pathology; as in this visibility combined real disorders and dry political, ideological and propaganda calculation; what are the criteria and whose positions it is necessary to evaluate these affects as constructive, destructive or malignant?

The easiest way to narcissism politicized masses, both located to this disorder all of the traumatic biography of the last decades and years, and is artificially instituted purposeful propaganda. But in power all this symptoms may not reflect anything in the policy to “build image”, does it not entering, even if played out the required mass of Narcissus or almost imaginary, but a dangerous abnormality, forcing other countries to behave “correctly” – adjusted for possible excesses and relapses (as with North Korea).

In this respect, and the power itself can be highly heterogeneous. If for some, it’s psychedelic calculating, for others – the real defects of their own psyche and phantoms of consciousness. Under the same outwardly narcissistic shell in power can get along with and sincere daffodils, crazy fans and maniacs of the eternal Majesty, and dismal fatalists, who see this country has long gone, again disgraced, ruined and forever doomed to trudge in the rut.” This plan can be radically different towers of the Kremlin” clans and groups, security forces and tactics, the proud hawks, and knowing our true potential realists. Even in each group there are very different people. Functionaries in the government can be horrified by what is happening, but to support the policy of adventurous pride with an almost mystical belief in her luck.

No less interesting is the duality of constructive and deconstructive ways. It is believed that the pathological narcissist goes into a world of narcissistic fantasy, losing touch with reality, ability for action, empathy and communication. All this can take place, but it does not exclude constructive in other ways. Ruining the country authorities-the narcissist does not lose touch with the reality of the mass consciousness, it is opened. With this awareness she communicates easily and is included in empathy. Finally, without leaving the stream of illusions and destroying economic, etc. reality is, however, quite achieve the intended results, supporting elite and mass affects and ratings, ensure the reproduction of domination. From the point of view of internal policy, based on emotion and prejudice, not dare to call this a deconstructive narcissism. On the contrary, have to refuse in the current political constructiveness to be responsible and realistic with a sense of “earth.”

This entire complex is perfectly reveals the final phrase from the wonderful book about the reign of the Meiji: Japanese atonalism was not passive, he detonated the huge masses of people that kill each other who have died, believing his death a worthy contribution to the national cause. To say it was nothing, because every country is ultimately unique. And make it lose its uniqueness even more difficult than to acquire it”.

We don’t almost kill each other, but kill the economy, science, culture, consciousness. And this “uniqueness” is something to argue.

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