Home / Medicine / Scientists have named an effective way of anti-aging

Scientists have named an effective way of anti-aging

Ученые назвали эффективный способ борьбы со старениемThe effectiveness of this tool proved by experiment.

Women are struggling to delay the aging, visiting beauty salons.

But scientists say that we need to begin with way of life.

For example, Experts from the school of medicine Icahn conducted a study found out that one of the best remedies against aging – vacation! It not only improves the psychological condition but reduces the number of aging biomarkers in the blood.

The experiment involved 102 women aged 30-60 years. They had a great opportunity to spend 5 days in chetyrehsotletnem hotels California. The volunteers took blood before the experiment and after.

The researchers note that the positive effect of a vacation can be enhanced if you combine it with meditation.

It’s surprising that even 10 months later, the women felt fine, but the stress level was lower than those who just rested, but did not do yoga.

Study author Dr. Eric Schadt explained: during a quiet relaxation allow the body to “get out of defensive position, which they occupied during the work.

Scientists suggest that:

1. To take a vacation 2 times a year and have to fly to another country for new experiences.

2. Summer vacation will help to saturate the body with vitamin D.

3. During the holidays it is useful not only drink juice and lie on a lounger, but to practice yoga or other sport. The fact that exercise can increase the levels of serotonin in the body.

4. If you went on vacation, shouldn’t work! Warn colleagues in advance that a week or two you will not get in touch.

5. Do not drink alcohol, or after a vacation you need another vacation to recover the vitality of the body. Max – a glass of wine with dinner.

6. If you are on holiday with children, be sure to bring assistants to relax – grandmother, nanny, friend, etc.

7. Do not drink alcohol, or after a vacation you need another vacation to recover the vitality of the body. Max – a glass of wine with dinner.

8. In addition to the meditation, stress levels can help relieve relaxing massage with essential oils.

9. A healthy diet will nourish the body with vitamins and endorphins. Eat more vegetables and fruits, but go easy on the exotic, otherwise it is likely to return from holiday with allergies.

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