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Scientists have discovered how temperament influences the characteristics of memory

Ученые выяснили, как темперамент влияет на особенности памяти Clearly the optimists are luckier.

The staff of the clinical center, located in the United States of America, proved that optimists have a good memory and cognitive abilities.

This information the researchers were able to obtain after the implementation of integrated tests and experiments. It turned out that the optimism may help to improve brain processes. The results of experiments published in a foreign journal.

It is reported that in laboratory trials involving more than 4000 men and women living in the United States. The age of the respondents ranged from 65 years or more. The duration of the study was about four years. It turned out that the optimists pessimists often suffer from disturbances in brain activity.

In addition, such people have a low level of mental abilities. Psychologists say that optimism is not innate and acquired traits. To improve memory you must adhere to proper lifestyle and constantly work on your emotional state.

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