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Scientists have described how Smoking affects genes

 Ученые рассказали, как курение влияет на гены An interesting study by British scientists.

Changes in activity of more than a hundred genes that are associated with Smoking, persist for many years even after parting with addiction.

To such conclusion the canadian researchers as a result of genetic analysis of samples of the epithelium of the lungs of former smokers. It is known that Smoking cessation leads to a rapid reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease. At the same time, other diseases of smokers, primarily cancer and emphysema of the lung, continue to threaten those who quit Smoking many years ago.

The results of the study, researchers from the cancer research Center in British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) help to explain this statistical regularity of the molecular-genetic level. The study involved four never-Smoking volunteers, eight smokers, twelve former smokers, not Smoking for at least a year. The maximum duration of abstinence from Smoking was 32 years.

Comparing the performance of gene activity in the epithelial cells of the lungs of the participants, the researchers found that many genes whose activity changes under the influence of tobacco smoke, starts to operate in normal mode shortly after people have quit Smoking.

However, a large group of the 124 genes had not returned to normal. Among them, in particular, were several genes regulating the cell cycle, and genes related to the detection and elimination of damaged DNA. According to researchers, lack of proteins encoded by these genes can be directly linked to cancer and other lung diseases

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