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Scientists have created a robotic Salamander

Ученые создали робота-саламандруScientists have created a robot that moves like a Salamander.

Scientists from around the world continue to create a variety of unique robots that each time I adopt more of the habits of animals and humans.

A group of scientists from the Federal Polytechnic school of Lausanne boasted the development of a new robot mechanoids, which behaviour and appearance resembles a Salamander.

Interestingly, the robot has its own spine, which consists of 11 full-fledged vertebrae, connected together. Thanks to this design, the mech can move just like a real Salamander, is able to walk not only on land but also swim in the water.

Developers had long enough to study the habits of these Iberian ribbed newt, to consider every movement of their bones and joints in an x-ray. The result is stunning.

Ученые создали робота-саламандру

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