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Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has got a night mode

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 обзавёлся ночным режимомThe main innovation was the built-in night mode, which already actively uses Apple.

Samsung during the announcement of its Galaxy Note 7 revealed several items in the menu of the device. It should be noted that the gadget will get a “night mode”.

Japanese officials have revealed few details about the internal settings of the phone Samsung Galaxy Note 7. The experts are fascinated by the function “night mode”. This option is intended to reduce the exposure to blue spectrum in the bright image, which will greatly reduce the strain on the eyes and will even lead to a more rapid sleep of the owner. In addition, all colors and shades are slightly muted, so as not to irritate the eyes. Users very warmly embraced the news, but noted that this invention for several years, used to Apple. It was also suggested that the inability to set a timer for this mode, and it affects the overall usability of the phone control.

Experts also drew attention to the marked narrowing of the lines menu control Samsung Galaxy Note 7. In particular we are talking about severe restrictions to customize the interface.

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