Apparently, the sultry disgraced Georgian was able to organize a reliable channel for procurement of a loved one cocaine of the highest quality.
Why do I say that? Yes, because in the last few months, Michiko began to cut the plain truth where necessary and where not necessary: all of it bad – from the “sixes” Kolomoisky (just wonder how benny is still not killed?) in the Odessa region to another, the President Poroshenko.
Zanuha a couple of tracks of cochinchina, Michiko able to read any book upside down and backwards
And, comparing two obvious fact that Saakashvili is a chronic drug addict and a coward, can with absolute certainty assert that “timid Georgians” makes its sensational statements under the influence of drugs.
Will argue? Then remember how panicked he was eating his red tie and was hiding under the fence at the first sound of a flying plane…
Remember? Well, that’s the same… But in Ukraine currently such “talkers” can kill significantly more likely than during the Russian-Georgian conflict of 2008.
Last loud statements of the Georgian addict associated with the appointment of foreign “naphthalene” [expression Saakashvili] politicians-reformers to leadership positions in Ukraine. In his “sane” reasoning is the humiliation of the country: “When we say “or like this, or that”, we are told that you do no one asked. Or decide groups to which you do not trust, or even one of them, whom you do not know. And as they say: “Now we will bring some foreign reformers, pull out of mothballs some of the former Eastern European Prime Minister and Minister”. Good people can be, and some of them are being talked about, I know them, I love them and respect, but what have they done to Ukraine? When we speak, someone somewhere was a Minister or Prime Minister 25 years ago, we need to get out of mothballs, to bring, to put to control the Ukraine? It’s a shame and a disgrace”.
No, well listen to this bitch. But what about you? Isn’t “naphthalene”?
No, says the Odessa Governor, I’m not “naphthalene”, because I can be the only ten years!
No, my friend, my friend, you’ve been “naphthalene”, and in ten years will be a “naphthalene fart”…
But until then, “naphthalene Pauperum” [definition Schweik], zanuha few meters of Coca tracks, with “smart” type rants as follows: “But when I say, “We’ll take from there, transplanted here, and he will manage the Ukraine, a 45-million strong country,” this humiliation of Ukraine is a shame and disgrace. This is done in order to prevent a new generation to power”.
Well, so what’s the problem, my friend? Get occupied and deliver your ass to the chair of the Odessa Governor that it could take people from the new generation. Weakly or show yourself an example?
Don’t want to? But, I want to, but the Washington obkom does not allow!
So sit there and shut up, maimuna veri-Svelo!