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Russian science is booming

Российская наука переживает подъём

Such conclusions were made after a trip to Grenoble, the Minister of science and education Dmitry Livanov. Our delegation was on a working visit for negotiations on cooperation with the European synchrotron radiation facility (ESRF).

Russia offers its scientists an opportunity to participate in modern plants. Center ESRF in Grenoble proof of this. Each year applications for participation becomes greater, indicating the development of science and a large number of young professionals coming into the science.

For work on the synchrotron conducted a special examination by results of which the scientists time to work. In the last two years, the time received, our scientists increased by almost three times. And this, in turn, implies an increase of research, publications, which inevitably raises the prestige of Russia as one of the centers of world science.

Today in Grenoble are developing research in materials science, pharmaceuticals and other essential Sciences. Especially Russian scientists have succeeded in x-ray and synchrotron radiation technology, superiority in these positions, they confirm, and in the twenty-first century. The projects that they implement, say, their colleagues and the Professor Francesco Sette, ESRF Director is.

For 30 years, Russia collaborates with the ESRF, and in 2014 received an official membership that has allowed our scientists to work independently on the synchrotron. As pioneers in science, now Russia is engaged in development of technologies of the fourth generation, which have more advanced features and predict a technological breakthrough.

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