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Russian national idea and Russian crowd

Русская национальная идея и русская толпа

Two main, two great things make up Russia: the great Russian language and great Russian space.

Both got a miracle. Both are losing. Should clarify: the rapidly lose.

For some 20 years, tens of millions of people ceased to speak in Russian. Former Soviet republics — who is soft, who is hard — expelled and expelled the Russian language. (In the Ukraine recently decided to remove from the stations names are in Russian. Rights of Russian-speaking? Care will be interrupted.)

Who is to blame? Of course, we, Russia.

Rich, powerful country that spends billions on jumps and cello, are unable to make attractive your language. Are unable to do so, so fluency was beneficial and interesting. And not have to do is just save.

Are unable? Didn’t want to? Did not understand the importance? Or all together… But the result is obvious.

And in his native country the native language is reduced, degrading rapidly. Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Chekhov already have to translate.

English has become more valuable. And the fact that all of Russia’s population supposedly speaks in Russian, is an illusion. For “how much” and “go on…” which is on par with meow meow and woof-woof.

Yes, and at about the same level. Brilliant translations of Shakespeare, created Lozinsky, Marshak, Pasternak, were not needed. And learned English Shakespeare League.

* * *

The second miracle — space. It’s haunted too. Lying to the East of the Urals.

Which sought the colonists? In the wild populated areas. Migrants from cramped Europe settled in the vast wild forest — a huge area of North America. Now this is the most rich place, hundreds of millions of citizens.

Enthusiasts ideas were sent to Palestine, in the desert. Now Israel is a flourishing garden that supplies us with not only drones and oranges, but even the potato-carrot…

…Where to seek Russian? In the most densely populated countries, such as Germany, England… Well, in Europe and the United States.

The polls show that almost half of young people want to come to the West. Smart, educated, enterprising go. 120 thousand a year! (report of the Committee of civil initiatives Alexei Kudrin).

It is, perhaps, they drew national idea? No, it’s a personal, individual, not associated with Russia’s interest. Selfish interest, roughly speaking. And mildly unprincipled.

Night wolves, these “patriots” who for Russia will tear anyone’s mouth, where they are driven on their Harley-Davidsons? To The West! Do not feed bread — give them a ride in Poland. There they do not love, but convenience stores and gas stations at every step.

And in Russia these wolves and Kurginyan by hook or by crook, take possession of the real estate capital, the Ruble, the warm coast of the Crimea. These are all that bustle in all directions and climb to the king, to the governors and say that they are patriots and this and that: rent, lease want the patriots! Mother, father, God’s will sell for money, ambitious, Christ -! (The last two phrases belong to Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol.)

Halooo, wolves! look to the East, the Eastern Siberia — what a scope! Take his girls, to bring down (instead of chasing artists in exile), razmnozhiteli, build roads and such to drive at a speed of 300 km/h Uprites against Chinese expansion, grow at least potatoes instead of wasting rage in a warmer climate. After all, you nothing but a rusty motorcycle, do not stay, if you wolves can not build anything.

And the Chechens? Brave, incredibly strong. Some bravely decide the case in Moscow, dropping and then gold pistols; others (who had escaped from Ramzan) decide the case in Europe, in the Emirates, already in the South.America. Guys, look at this: millions of empty square kilometres — there’s gold, precious stones, oil, gas and no competition. No the visa is not necessary to ask, nor a residence permit. All of it is yours. Stop solving other people’s business. Create your free, successful.

AU, Russian boys and girls! Enough to suck on the hookah and scatological in clubs (many run in there brutes), enough to fast and check in. Build your country! You don’t even have to take space from hostile Indians, warlike Bedouin, do not have to irrigate the barren Sands.

The majors and their bitches to cry does not make sense. They have no homeland, and place of Safari; they behave here as invaders, despised slaves and laws.

It seems that their own country is not necessary. Want to live in foreign.

 Note. In this article the word “Russian” is used to denote all citizens of Russia, regardless of what specific nationality they themselves refer or to refer others. The national question (in terms of racism-fascism) in Russia finally solved in the result of thousands of years of incest. So, if you seriously implement the idiotic call for “Russia for Russians”, from 145 million will remain here half a man: Alcindoro and Kurginyan.

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