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Russia without nuclear weapons

Россия без ядерного оружияIf tomorrow, the result of an unexplained cataclysm that disappear in Russia all the nuclear weapons the day after tomorrow it will lie in ruins, and its population drastically reduced to a few million people.


But the civilized world will not leave without attention to this terrible tragedy, no.

Those who think so are evil, heartless and cynical people.


Be aware that after the cataclysm on the entire civilized world will be massive marches of mourning and remembrance for the people whom the tyrant was brought to the death.

The Eiffel tower will illuminate in the colors of the Russian flag.

Users of the networks will put on their avatars balalaika and bears.

At the largest concert halls in the U.S. and Europe will be a show dedicated to the memory of deceased Russian people.

Will sing the best of the group, sting will sing “Rashes loved children that” the stadium will light up the screens of thousands of cell phones.

Hillary Clinton said today that she and her whole family is Russian. The real Russian who tried to prevent this catastrophe, but, alas, not in time (tears closeup with three cameras).

Abruptly become fashionable all Russian. The Paris fashion House will release “Russian” collection, and the best restaurants will be held the week of Russian cuisine.

All the books of the Russian classics will be re-released by leading publishers under the UNESCO Monuments of vanished civilizations.

The Hollywood will make a blockbuster “Necessary measure” about the events of the destruction of the Russian Federation, which will be sobbing over the button corporal Collins: “No, I can’t!”, and Lieutenant Johnson, who, barely holding back tears, shouted: “This is his mother, the order, corporal! Need, Johnny! For the sake of your wife Susie, for your kids, for your dog – don’t they deserve to live in a safe world?!”

Sobbing, they press the button together.

Then the film will show how the NATO soldiers selflessly pulled from the melted ruins of Russian children, risking a lethal dose of radiation, and somebody will definitely receive will be ten minutes to die on the screen with a bright smile and the words: “I Hope these children when they grow up, will build on the Islands of the Arctic ocean, the New Free and Democratic Russia!”

All the media sadly and strictly explain to Western people that this, of course, awful, but otherwise it does.

All the world channels will show was found in a Secret Kremlin Bunker fuzzy video footage of Putin and Shoigu, laughing like hell, opens the nuclear suitcase, but do not have time, literally, a second.

“We managed at the last moment!” sternly explain to the American experts and analysts. And all the spectators are willing to believe.

After five years someone from the retired generals of Pentagon admits that Russia is not going to attack that the video was fake, that the US attack was preventive and that he, as a man, damn shame those Russians, but, like the military, no.

“Nuclear weapons as the Russian suddenly disappeared, so could also suddenly appear, you understand!” – he explained.

A couple hundred anti-globalization activists will organize in protest sit-ins at “McDonald’s”.

Greenpeace accused transnational corporations in reducing the habitat of the Siberian bears, and human rights watch strongly oppose the hunting of top managers of “shell” and “Exxon” on unregistered Siberians with helicopters.

The UN will make the new US President and solemnly say that the world suffered a terrible tragedy, comparable to the tragedy of the Second World war, when the world has lost tens of millions of people because of the aggressiveness of Stalin. And now that the world has lost more than one hundred millions of Russians because of Putin’s aggression.

You isn’t that enough? Maybe it’s enough for the innocent victims? – pathetically exclaims the President. – Maybe it’s time to change the world?

UN unanimously passes a resolution stating that any criticism of the US is now equivalent to the threat to the existence of the World and Mankind.

And somewhere in the snowy steppes near Kherson, will complain about the next cuts in rations and in another cholera epidemic, poor and useless response to living in their reservations.


And after twenty years on an island in the Arctic ocean, cold in an abandoned mine, a few inquisitive people, with parts of the reactor rusty icebreaker “Arktika”, the old laptop and some mother – assemble the time machine and travel to the U.S. July 4, 1776. They will bring a compact hydrogen bomb in twenty megatons to asymmetrical and memorable fireworks to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, somewhere in the area of fault the San Andreas fault.


– So, Barack, in any case, Putin said, ending his soft, kind words. – Russia, you know. You there this to your candidates and tell.


Obama quietly and somehow hopelessly wept.

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