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Russia overtook Saudi Arabia in oil production

Россия опередила Саудовскую Аравию в добыче нефти

In the first month of 2016 Russia overtook Saudi Arabia for volume of extracted oil. According to Rosstat, the day was made almost 10,46 million barrels.

Now the oil-producing States are discussing the possibility of freezing the oil and gas producers throughout the year at the January level in order to stabilize the situation on the oil market. Countries hope to make a final decision regarding the freeze of production April 17 in the capital of Qatar.

Saudi Arabia, according to official data, in January this year was mined per day to 10.1 million barrels. Total production of the countries in OPEC, amounted to 32.3 million barrels per day. Back in December of last year Russia overtook mining in Saudi Arabia-almost 300 thousand barrels a day. Russia made oil in the amount of 10.3 million barrels, while SA only 10,01 million barrels.

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