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Rules of emergency care in case of “delirium tremens”

Правила оказания неотложной помощи при «белой горячке»Condition called delirium tremens, is unsafe for the patient and for others.

Delirium tremens overtakes individuals who abuse alcohol on a regular basis. That is, the person who first got really drunk for the first time to feel the attack of delirium tremens. So the reason for concern is only for those who regularly drink and not out of the binge.

The symptoms of delirium tremens occur within two or three days after the man drunk, and they look approximately so:

1. Fear, panic, terror overtake the man in delirium tremens. He always seems that there’s going to be something terrible.

2. Hallucinations come in many forms. The patient can feel his body running around small insects, like someone whispering in my ear some words, he can see what is actually there or do not exist in nature.

3. Aggression. Delirium tremens and always manifests itself, in this state, a person even capable of murder.

4. Depression. Another possible outcome of events as depressive disorder. At some point the person begins to feel sad and it’s not happy.

5. Tremor. Often at the time of the onset of delirium tremens the man shaking legs, hands, twitching eyelids on the eyes and so on.

What to do if your loved one shows signs of delirium tremens:

1. To cleanse the body of the patient from the toxins coming from alcohol. Here it is possible to induce vomiting, causing the person to drink plenty of water before doing this, make him an enema, give any absorbent medicines that in the spring.

2. To provide a person with delirium tremens nutrition and drinking plenty of fluids, it is desirable to give him to drink a decoction of rose hips. They say that sour apples quickly lead to feelings of those who are drunk on the eve and there was delirium tremens.

3. Isolate the patient from the outside world. Better to the room with the man’s condition was not acute, piercing and cutting items, as well as rope, medicines and so on. Because the person may harm his life and health, committing suicide or its attempt.

4. Violent patient should be linked to an ambulance. The medics will take him to a mental hospital, where he will be given emergency care.

5. A decoction of thyme, yarrow, wormwood, mixed in equal parts of 20 g, after half an hour will favorably affect the condition of the patient. The symptoms of delirium tremens may disappear altogether.

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