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Rotten skeleton of the nineties

For the vast majority of people in the country figure Gaidar and Yeltsin hated. The only exception is the green youth, who have no idea about the Yeltsin era. Meanwhile society it is time to assess the anti-people, suffocating the life of the policy pursued by Yeltsin and his team after the Disaster of ‘ 91. Time from the rostrum to give an explanation where faded Soviet enormous wealth at $ 3 trillion, and who is responsible for the economic Holocaust of the so-called period of “market reforms.”

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Academician Igor Shafarevich half a century ago formulated the theory of “small people”. It is a socio-psychological phenomenon, where a small group of people ideologically and spiritually opposes itself to the majority; it generates the spirit of hatred and denial of reality; exudes negative emotions and judgments. Today, this phenomenon could not be more vividly manifested in the way people who call themselves liberals-Westerners. All of them could subscribe under the well-known lines of the NINETEENTH century dissident Vladimir Pechorin:

How sweet homeland hate

And eagerly await its annihilation!

And the destruction of the homeland to see

World Renaissance Lucifer!

Yesterday this group was scattered all state and public institutions, covers evenly, as ashes, the whole of Russia. Now this layer is concentrated in certain areas, marked with the names of their idols and ancestors. Gaidar forum, the Yeltsin center — all place the setting of the “little people”.

Today in Yekaterinburg in the same Yeltsin center hosted the forum “Island 90s”, on which the vital spirit of denial. During performances the word “patriots” was rhymed with the word “idiots” George ribbon was equivalent to the handkerchief. All the troubles of Russia, according to the participants, had origins in its history, especially in the Soviet period or related to the policy of the current authorities. The only bright spot in a series of dark crimes and errors are the 90-ies — the time of freedom.

This concept is not new and politically helpless. For the vast majority of people in the country figure Gaidar and Yeltsin hated. The only exception is the green youth, who have no idea about the Yeltsin era. Meanwhile society it is time to assess the anti-people, suffocating the life of the policy pursued by Yeltsin and his team after the Disaster of ‘ 91. Time from the rostrum to give an explanation where faded Soviet enormous wealth at $ 3 trillion, and who is responsible for the economic Holocaust of the so-called period of “market reforms.”

No one expects conceptual repentance of the liberals with a solid promise to return people’s savings, to rebuild destroyed industry, to compensate for a gigantic historical material and psychological damage that was inflicted on people during gaydarovschiny and eltsinovschiny.

No remorse from “yellow-brown” of course, we can not wait.

And to compensate for the loss at all possible — they are so great.

However, in the interests of the state and society for further development, for security, for future generations it is necessary to conduct a broad program of gaelicisation of the country.

In terms of information, economic and psychological war of the West against Russia dealsince need! The spirit of betrayal, greed, destruction, disunity, despondency must be driven from public consciousness.

However, the gatherings Roizman-Gozman and other Prokhorov, who sigh nostalgically at the 90-th years, in something even useful. “Gentlemen Democrats of the past century” during these meditative sessions of “rejection of the existing reality,” reprove themselves. Withdrawn himself out of the brackets the life of Russia, which entered into a completely new, unpredictable period in its history.

Andrew Fefelov

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