The quality of bread in Russia is deteriorating in the eyes, said the assistant head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Alexei Alekseenko.
According to him, the Agency now has no control over the quality of the flour, as in 2004, was eliminated a single body of control over its production.
“Once in 2004, was eliminated state grain inspection, some of the functions handed to us, piece in the Federal service, the system ceased to be United”, — said Alekseenko in the air of “Russian news service”.
According to him, after the restructuring of the system first suffered domestic seed industry, and farmers “sat on the seeds from other countries”. Thus, since 2004, legislation was enacted which restricted the possibility of state control of the safety of such products, the official said.
According to him, now a number of companies are lobbying to legally permit the use in the production of bread grain 5 th grade, or coarse grains, from which bread can be baked, using only the “Western chemistry”, the so-called “improvers”.
According to him, the Agency can not fully resist such initiatives because they do not have the right of legislative initiative, but only can make suggestions indirectly through the Ministry of agriculture.