Home / Science and technology / Robot surgeon will carry out unique operations on people

Robot surgeon will carry out unique operations on people

Робот-хирург будет проводить уникальные операции на людяхRobot surgeon will carry out complex operations. On a new invention work in the UK.

British experts are currently actively working to establish an effective endoscopic robot surgery. This mechanical organism will be the assistant in the difficult operations by which an individual is much faster on the mend and starts feeling better.

In medicine, endoscopic surgery is one of the most difficult, but at the same time, and safest method of operating. Cambridge Medical Robotics is working to create a robot surgeon. The employees claim that this invention will greatly facilitate the task of physicians.

The aim of the mechanism is the lack of deep wounds on the human body. The main task – to make small incisions in which to process the transaction will be entered surgical instruments. Not every doctor has the experience and relevant qualifications, so, according to experts, such a robot will need to countries around the world.

The main purpose of the device is the ability to save time surgeons on the development of endoscopic medicine, with the ability to conduct safe operations.

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