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Published new images of iPhone 7

Обнародованы новые снимки iPhone 7Pictures were taken at a closed presentation of the device in Foxconn.

The network released images of the new iPhone 7, Plus and Pro, the presentation of which is expected in September of this year. It is known that the photo was taken during a closed presentation, which was conducted by the Chinese company Foxconn.

In addition, the gold iPhone has published a resource techtastic.nl.

The authenticity of these photos is rather dubious, as it was very difficult to carry on such events camera.

Nevertheless, the pictures correspond to the rumors about iPhone, released earlier. So, judging by the pictures, one of the future versions of the gadget will be equipped with a camera at 12 MP and iOS 10.

As for the other picture, it clearly demonstriruet that the future iPhone 7 will get a camera larger than the previous iPhone, as well as the plastic insert on the lid.

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