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Psoriasis: treatment of folk remedies

Псориаз: лечение народными средствамиEvery year from suffer from psoriasis more and more people.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes redness, peeling, inflammation, pain and burning sensation in certain areas of the body such as elbows, knees or scalp.

In people with psoriasis, cells renewal happens too quickly, as a result, they accumulate on the skin’s surface and cause all of these painful symptoms.

The experts gave 7 very effective recommendations that will help you to overcome psoriasis with natural means and methods.

1. Spend cleansing of the body

I suffer from psoriasis people the skin is overloaded with toxins.

So it’s very important at least once a year to cleanse the body, which will facilitate the work of the liver, kidneys and intestines — organs, deducing toxins from the body.

Thus the skin will be spared from overload.

In organic shops you can find different types of additives (extracts, syrups, etc.) for cleansing the body. You can choose a tool that is more suited to your rhythm of life.

Importantly, during the cleanse drink plenty of water, especially on an empty stomach, and to ensure that the intestines working normally.

Cleansing can last 15 days or a month. Is pursue one course of purification in spring and one in autumn.

2. Follow the work of the intestine

The intestine is closely associated with skin and immune system, and they are of direct relevance to psoriasis. It is therefore important to prevent disorders of the intestine.

If bowel problems, you need to determine which funds are suitable for the establishment of his work:

Constipation: Soaked flax seed and Chia seeds, prunes, kiwi, apples with peel, sea water.

Diarrhea: Green tea, vegetable charcoal, white clay for internal use.

Alternating constipation and diarrhoea: Pueraria lobed, peel psyllium, agar-agar.

3. Avoid gluten and milk products

Psoriasis is also associated with power, and more specifically, intolerance to certain foods.

A person can have such an intolerance and not know it because its symptoms can be confused with other medical disorders such as migraine, indigestion, a disorder of the intestines, nervous breakdown, etc.

Often poorly tolerated gluten, contained in cereals, such as wheat and lactose, which is milk.

Recommend excluded from the diet of these products for a month and see will better.

4. Control calories

Many have noted that the symptoms of psoriasis subside, when the patient watches his diet, does not overeat.

You need to eat as much as planned in advance, to do without additives. Moreover, standing from the table you need when you feel that you can eat more, but there seems to be enough.

You can cook one dish for lunch, combining different products or by choosing one ingredient.

Eat this meal slowly, chewing food thoroughly.

After eating you can take an infusion to improve digestion.

5. Use sea water

Sea water is good for external use and for oral administration. People who regularly bathe in the sea, note that the skin and hair become better.

If sea bathing is not possible, you can buy sea water and using a spray bottle to spray it on the affected area at least once a day.

You can use it in cooking as a salt substitute.

6. Take a bath with infusion of licorice

During exacerbation can be done bath with a concentrated extract of licorice, they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In fact, licorice is natural cortisone.

The water should be hot, but not too much. Lying in it you need at least half an hour.

7. Supplements that are useful for psoriasis

There are three supplements that are useful for psoriasis:

Brewer’s yeast: clean the skin, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Flaxseed oil: the healthiest vegetable oil, rich in essential fatty acids.

Nettle: it is a medicinal herb cleans the skin. You can take it fresh or in dried form in capsules or in tincture.

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