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Prevention and treatment of zika virus

Меры профилактики и лечения вируса ЗикаThe zika virus is able to multiply rapidly, so doctors recommend to carry out preventive measures.

For our country this kind of virus is not as common, but still isolated cases of infection by the virus is already fixed, and this means that you need to be ready for anything. Most often, the zika virus is transmitted by the bite of insects, namely mosquitoes of the genus “Aedes”. In the air the virus has virtually no chance of survival, but, once in the body, he immediately multiplies and destroys immune cells.

The symptoms caused by the zika virus:

1. Weakness throughout the body, fatigue, fatigue.

2. Fever. Moreover, the temperature just stays at the critical level above 39 degrees Celsius for 6-7 days, but may then re-jump after was reduced.

3. A small rash, sometimes developing into small spots.

4. Yellowing of the skin.

5. Conjunctivitis.

At the moment, scientists haven’t found the correct way of treating patients infected with the virus zika, which would operate at 100%. Doctors prescribe patients with antivirals, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and drugs that strengthen the immune system, and sometimes diuretics in case the virus has affected the nervous system.

Preventive measures that will allow people to reduce their chances of Contracting zika virus:

1. It is advisable not to travel in those countries where potentially fly infected with the virus insects. Now there is no vaccine that could protect tourists from the zika virus, so it’s best to wait for its creation, and then to travel freely.

2. Before going out on the street, trip on a picnic in the woods or just in nature, it is necessary to treat the skin by special means-repellents.

3. Mosquitoes do not like bright shades of clothing, so it is better to choose something more open and bright, if you are going to relax in nature.

4. In the case when you live in areas where a lot of mosquitoes, then the Windows you must have installed mosquito nets. Let not from the virus, Zeke and annoying buzz and the numerous bites they you definitely will save.

5. Insecticides can destroy populations of infected mosquitoes over large areas. If in the region there was an outbreak of zika virus, an urgent need to hold mass processing of these substances.

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