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Prepare the boat?

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Probably, regional authorities already have quietly prepare for taking full responsibility for management in the event of a crash. You have to think through the issues of security of life of the population, both in terms of prevention of criminal offences, and to provide all sorts of daily activities. You need to be prepared technically, financially, ideologically, to develop an action plan to protect the region from destruction, to preserve the infrastructure, industry, financial sector, social sphere, and so on.

It should not be just a plan in case of an emergency, which acts to relatively short – up to eliminate the consequences. It must be an inclusive system of measures to guarantee the normal life in the region the whole population for an unlimited period. In fact, a full program of work of the government, the same Federal, but the quality is better – I mean, really working, not simulating the solution of problems.

Personally, I hope for the feds anymore. Apparently, the situation is developing in the direction of paralysis and after that – the default. The government squeezes money out of the economy almost exclusively in order to pay the debts, well, a little more to steal. The fall in economic indicators is recorded for all. The Ministry of economic development publishes a forecast, which explicitly recognizes that things go wrong. However, the future in this report are trying to portray with optimism, but the numbers speak for themselves. Moreover, these data are not the only source of information about the state of Affairs in the country. Well, life itself vindicates better than any of the reports.

Policy-making is to talk about anything, not only about the intention of the authorities to remedy the situation. They may not even understand that the circumstances are already stronger than them. And if you understand, then, apparently, their actions are subordinated to the desire to save (for myself) everything of value, then sell it. But whatever their intentions, it is obvious that what they are doing does not improve, but worsens the situation of the country.

The situation in politics is a stub. In fact, the crisis. In normal conditions this is followed by the resignation of the government or a complete change of government, and then the implementation of measures to remedy the situation. We have, there’s likely to be something else. For example, anarchy – in the sense, loss of control, the destruction of the state governance structure and following this the chaos and unrest. All over the country. It is best to consider such a course of events and to prepare for it.

The current upper classes actively withdrew from the sphere of solving problems. Under their administration the state goes from medicine, from pensions, from education, lies dormant in the legal field, refuses to address the issues of protection of life and property, labour relations, and so on. The Federal government is committed all the expenditure to be transferred to the regional authorities (without abandoning their part of the taxes). Apparently, in their view all local problems should be solved local governments – on their own. Well, why not? Why not do it? Even if in some issues insufficient privileges for action, then at least you can work out a plan of measures in case of critical events. And, furthermore, livelihood issues still need to solve.

In the scope of public administration change for the better is not expected: the top is clearly incompetent, and besides, it’s too far gone in their actions. They can’t fix what you’ve done. You also need to consider that the current system of control over the surface, because it can only work if there is personal material interest of the contractor. It is possible to tell, this is the real meaning of the concept of manual control. But such method inevitably primitive, as limited to the specific abilities of each Manager in each specific action. The present system – that is, the detailed mechanism of governance is much harder and “smarter” mental apparatus of the individual official. In manual control mode, such a mechanism can not appear. So you have what you have. Before this mechanism existed – not the best, of course, but still was – but now it’s gone. The current government blew it (the word “evil” is, in foreign, corruption). Today the ability of state structures to respond to the problem is determined by the abilities of the individual and his desire, which depends only on its benefits.

Of course, we can hope that our Titanic will sink a little first, and then will emerge, but it is better to prepare the boat. If the crew is unable to prevent disaster, and even, on the contrary, firmly and resolutely heading directly into the iceberg, passengers are better to take care of your future.

The government can cheerfully report about the success and draw the most promising prospects – they’re doing it constantly, and it is no longer valid. It is sufficient to evaluate the results of their activities over the last 15 years (and in a fabulously favorable conditions) to understand that in an emergency, they especially will be ineffective. And if you look at their past promises, or to perform what ended each of their initiative, the picture is even gloomier. Hence the conclusion: “the Rescue of drowning – the handiwork of drowning”.

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