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Raped common sense

They say that common sense rape only Ukrainians. I can officially declare that it is not. In this lesson, the Ukrainians – children. Them never be compared with Americans or Europeans. In fact it is the West that taught the Ukraine defiantly rape common sense. And she does it because …

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Political state employees

<sup>Vladimir Vasiliev, Gennady Zyuganov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky/ Photo: RIA Novosti</sup> Before the upcoming elections to the state Duma political parties are stepping up resources to enlist the support of the voter. However, the financial capacities of parties are very different. While one parties harder finding money on the campaign, others …

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Putin appointed Ukraine “bad COP”

Ambassador to Ukraine and Putin’s special envoy Zurabov was “a good investigator”. It turns out. Even pious. Secretly friends with Poroshenko. “Shoot comrade Zurabov”. Putin has decided:”Now the bad COP.” Pre-announced what will be the <s>evil</s> tough new Ambassador Babich. Real chesnic with the sleeves rolled up. Kholuy heart, cold …

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NABU took on the godfather Poroshenko

National anti-corruption Bureau took over godfather Poroshenko.   In the NEB announced that it has begun verification of illicit enrichment of the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin.   The investigation began on the basis that the wife of the former attorney General Oksana Grinevich, being at the doctor’s …

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Style power

Fifteen years ago, about the signs of a revival of Soviet style and methods of management spoke only the most meticulous and bilious criticism of the authorities. To them especially did not listen and even laughed at them – people, say, living past fears, memories of his youth. Then the …

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What dying Ukrainians

The leader of the band “Vopli Vidopliassova” Oleg Skrypka found “major threat” to Ukraine   When Ukrainian patriots are silent, they are similar to intelligent people. But if they speak, do not know than to wonder whether the level of Russophobia, ignorance, or a special Patriotic look, which burns the …

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My mammoth didn’t run?

  Reading the Western media come to the conclusion that before writing the article, the authors use a laxative, mixed with drugs, then lay on the floor a photo of Putin with a map of Russia, put a stool and “soulfully” at her stand. So begins the “creative work”.I present …

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Unstable fancy

Unstable fancy How to experience reality from the back? Good question. Presidential meetings follow one another. What is it? The embodiment of the idea of “manual control”. The system, which was used by the President to prove the possibility to effectively control the country in the circumstances. The daily presence …

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