Home / Science and technology / Poland has created an unusual bike path

Poland has created an unusual bike path

В Польше создали необычную велодорожкуDay track collects the sunlight, and at night emits blue sveceny.

New track glows in the dark thanks to artificial phosphor and necessary for the safety of cyclists.

In the Polish town of Lidzbark warmiński paved bike path is covered with synthetic phosphor. Day track collects the sunlight, and at night emits a blue glow.

The head of the local branch of the Institute of materials science TPA Igor Rutman says that the material from which made the carpet can emit light for about 10 hours. Every day the bike lane collects energy, which allows it to glow at night.

The representative of the Polish road Waldemar Krolikowski noted that the new track is designed to enhance the safety of pedestrians and cyclists at night.

The phosphors, of which has created a track, can emit different colors, the designers chose the blue color to best fit into the surrounding landscape. They also investigated the sustainability of materials and chose those that can withstand the load of the bicycles.

Stated that 30-60 minutes of “recharging” in the Sun enough for at least eight hours of glow in the dark. Such properties of the material can save up to 20 years. However, the track is still being tested as to its resistance to damage is still not precisely defined.

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