Home / Game / Players Overwatch shoot at crows in the hope to uncover the mysterious secret

Players Overwatch shoot at crows in the hope to uncover the mysterious secret

Игроки Overwatch стреляют по воронам в надежде раскрыть таинственный секретThe players presented the “PvE-brawl” called “Revenge of Krasenstein”.

Blizzard Entertainment launched the game Overwatch festive events on the occasion of the upcoming Halloween called “Halloween Horrors”. The players presented the “PvE-brawl” called “Revenge of Krasenstein”, but they suspect that the game added something more.

Reddit users are actively discussing ways to solve this puzzle. Some suggest that you need to kill all the birds on the map to get a clue or a new lead. Others point out that they heard a series of beeps indicating a sequence of bricks in a masonry wall on the bridge, but I don’t know what to do next.

The users of the forum were divided into two camps. Some believe that killing a Raven would lead them to unraveling a mysterious secret. Others believe that birds are just decoration for the festive events and nothing more. Given that the user is told about a series of signals on the bridge could not provide proof of his words, some believe that they did just fooling. However, this theme is one of the most talked about.

Unfortunately for gamers, Blizzard representatives have already indicated that players should not waste time. The company noted that “the development team Overwatch does not include any Easter eggs in brawl “Revenge of Krasenstein” associated with ravens”.

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