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Physicists have learned to read a closed book

Физики научились читать закрытые книги

Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of technology has made another amazing discovery. They have developed a device that allows you to read the book without even opening it.

This became possible thanks to terahertz radiation (THz). A unique property of this radiation — the ability to make transparent the various objects.

The opening of terahertz radiation creates many new opportunities in various scientific fields. Thanks to the THz-waves can be:

– to observe in real time how to operate living cells;

– conduct ultrafast transmission of information;

to study layer-by-layer structure of microchips.

Technology terahertz radiation can be widely applied in forensics, history and archaeology, as these fields often have to work with the objects to which it is not desirable to touch. For example, ancient Egyptian papyri cannot be deployed.

Today scientists can read about 20 pages of the book, not opening it. However, they are not going to stop there. It is planned to continue with the THz waves, until, until you get the ability to have full access to any locked objects.



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