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Phones in India to provide emergency communication with the police

Телефоны в Индии снабдят кнопкой экстренной связи с полициейWomen trying to protect from rape.

The government of India ordered the equipment manufacturers from January 2017 to equip all new cell phones with an alarm button to call police.

This resolution is aimed at combating widespread in India rape. For more effective work of law enforcement agencies all smartphones will also get GPS navigation in 2018.

Previously considered the possibility of a hardware alarm button existing devices in India about a billion, but producers were able to convince the government in the complexity of this project.

The initiative of the authorities was ambiguously perceived by the public. “India has already launched numbers of emergency services and security applications such as these, but none of the initiatives have not been effective,” – stated in the statement of the Association of mobile and Internet India.

“Most of these programs had a well thought out design, but suffered from poor infrastructure and lack of effective response of the local police” – explain the reasons for past failures, the experts of the organization.

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