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People will be forced to chip in to fight the crisis

Most of the anti-crisis measures of the government why has something to do with the withdrawal of money from the population. How many of us can take?

Народ заставят скинуться на борьбу с кризисом


Perhaps it is in order to assess our reserves, experts of the Higher school of Economics a year ago by order of the Ministry of Finance conducted a detailed opinion poll and found out that the Russian family has an average income to 43.8 thousand rubles (18.1 thousand) per month.

From 63,8% of households showed a Bank account or term deposits, 35% of families in 2015 kept the money in cash. On average in the accounts at the time of the survey lay in 37,9 thousand rubles per family, for term deposits – RUB 183 thousand, on the hands – on 52.2 thousand RUB “the Deposits have a small part of the population, – said the head of research Dilyara Ibragimova, associate Professor of the Department of sociology of HSE.

– Large savings are concentrated at 1-2% of the population”.

But will have to pay all.

“AiF” has estimated that due to the already adopted anti-crisis innovations annual income Russian families will decline on average by 13.6 thousand rubles. person. With everyone working and the Treasury is going to take 24 thousand.

Evgeny Gontmakher: “I Think that until the beginning of 2019 the retirement age will not lift “. Economist Gontmaher: the retirement age will increase and will pay a penny All in 2016 the government will take from citizens 1 trillion, 996 billion 300 million rubles.

Here and reducing the indexation of pensions (660 billion rubles), the lack of indexation of pensions to working pensioners (100 billion roubles), revenues from the excise tax on gasoline (89,3 billion roubles). Add the withdrawal of accumulative part of pension (342 billion USD), the recycling fee on cars (34 bn), tolls on roads and use of road infrastructure (RUB 40 billion). It is necessary to consider also changes in a simplified order of taxation of individual entrepreneurs (plus RUB 1 billion) and mandatory non-tax payments (another 730 billion rubles).

The latest figure was announced to journalists in the chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation. They calculated that the orders of the ministries introduced about 70 new charges. “Confiscate the trillions is too! – shaken by Dmitry Zhuravlev, head of the Institute of regional problems. – Because that’s all the money is in the hands of the ordinary population. We’ll have a nice balanced budget, only the economy will not be – because people can’t buy.”

Most interesting, however, awaits the country after 2018 – implementation of the most stringent proposals of the Ministry of Finance postponed to this period.

Including the increase in insurance fees from employers with a total price of 650 billion rubles, and the permanent deprivation of pensions to working pensioners, or at least those whose earnings exceed 1 million rubles per year. Finally, 379,2 billion roubles is planned to receive from the abolition of the mandatory funded part of pensions by 2019.

If the ideas of the Ministry of Finance will be implemented at least in part, the budget will take people more than 1 trillion rubles. “There are other ways of dealing with the shortage of funds, but require more complex actions, – says Dmitry Zhuravlev. For example, you can analyze costs and eliminating unreasonably high”.

Народ заставят скинуться на борьбу с кризисом

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