Home / Auto / Participant mass check-in on a Gelandewagen responded to the criticism

Participant mass check-in on a Gelandewagen responded to the criticism

Участник массового заезда на Gelandewagen ответил на критику

Participant mass check-in of future security officers on the Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen said the radio station “Moscow speaking” that the public criticism of him is not surprising.

“This is quite normal. If I was riding on a white “Volga”, it would be applauded. I don’t see anything inappropriate in the motorcade travel without traffic violations”, — he said.

Commenting on the incident, the former General-major of FSB Alexander Mikhailov urged the authorities to react harshly and dismiss the instigators. “Always with the service in the organs of state security have always been taught modesty and secrecy. Violated all the basic tenets of the authority. This betrayal of the interests of the service,” he said.

In response, the participant said that “Mikhailov, a graduate of the journalism faculty of Moscow state University, not a combat General.” “As a former officer he should understand that these comments only fanned the topic on idea it is necessary to suppress and not to publicize to millions of viewers”, — he said.

The official radio station also added that the vehicles which carried out the-in, — “mentoring to the younger generation.” “Drivers are the owners of the cars, and they have the releases took place long ago”, he added.

On 21 June graduates of the Academy of the FSB staged in Moscow mass arrival of Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen. Video-in was published on 1 July.

As told REN TV source, several young men rented the car for three hours. The cost per hour of renting a car amounted to 1.5 thousand rubles per person. Thus graduates were able to collect a few dozen SUVs and to arrange check-in.

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