Tranquil landscapes from the famous American photographer. Photo

Scenic landscapes from the modern photographer with a world name. Michael Eastman (Michael Eastman) is one of the leading contemporary photographers in the world. Photography he never studied, and all the wisdom mastered independently in practice. Eastman four decades documenting interiors and facades in Havana, Paris, Rome and New Orleans. …

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Tusk called the lifting of sanctions against Russia surrender

In view of Russia’s actions in Syria, the situation has become even worse. The head of the European Council Donald Tusk said that he considered it necessary to extend existing sanctions against Russia, including because of the situation in Syria. “As you know, we have extended our sanctions in June, …

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Alina Grosu boasted curvaceous lingerie

The singer began to draw attention to his creativity spicy images.21-year-old Ukrainian singer Alina Grosu, gleaming gold dress at a party of Grigory Leps in Moscow, began to attract the attention to my works bed pictures. Another spicy photo Grosu published on his page in Instagram. Apparently, the singer drew …

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The scientists said where on earth did gold

Astronomers believe that the reason for the formation of deposits of the precious metal has become a planetary disaster. Scientists were able to figure out where on Earth was gold. The findings of the research staff of the University of Tokyo set out in a special edition Planetary Science Letters. …

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Named unexpected cause of early wrinkles

This popular hobby can hurt your skin.Perhaps active users of social networks already can not imagine my life without selfies. Someone thinks a selfie is a manifestation of narcissism, who can not live without it and day. The scientists decided to investigate all the pros and cons of selfies. Medical …

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Olga freimuth struck by the elegant way

Known for leading charmed fans of romantic retro.Ukrainian TV presenter Olga Freimut shared with fans a magical photo with the train station one of the Ukrainian cities. In his Instagram Olga Freimut posted a picture of her wearing a black coat, a short dress and high plaid socks standing on …

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