The money for the regions will find the business

The Ministry of Finance did not support the abolition of consolidated groups of taxpayers, but figured out how not to ruin the budgets of the constituent entities. The regions will receive from the Ministry of Finance a small tax break. The Agency figured out how to increase tax revenues to …

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In Moscow said goodbye to actress Lyudmila Ivanova

On Tuesday, the Muscovites said goodbye to an outstanding Soviet and Russian actress Lyudmila Ivanova, star of the film “Office romance”, “promised Heaven”, “the Most charming and attractive”. The funeral ceremony was held in the theater “Contemporary”, in which the artist celebrated 50 years. TASS SOLOCONCERT Upload your best photos …

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Savchenko: Russian Policy leads to third world war

Ukrainian MP Nadezhda Savchenko said that Russia’s foreign policy aimed at unleashing the Third world war, reports “112 Ukraine”. “Russian propaganda climbed everywhere and powerful. Not so Russia needs to return to the PACE, not so much needed here, the delegation without the right to vote. Europlatform understands that Russia …

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Product named that improve memory

Found a way to improve memory in the elderly.Even among doctors there is a misconception that with age, the human memory is reduced, and this process is irreversible. But, as evidenced by a new study, this process is even possible to reverse and return to the seemingly lost memory. Scientists …

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In downtown Athens, an explosion occurred in a bookstore

According to preliminary data, nobody suffered. The bomb exploded Wednesday evening in Athens, no one was hurt. It is noted that the explosion occurred at about 22.45 (time coincides with Kiev) near the house 112 street Ippokratous in the area of Eksarhia. “According to preliminary data, nobody suffered”, — is …

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Ukrainian actress will play a Hollywood blockbuster

Ivanna Sakhno will play in the continuation of the blockbuster “Pacific rim”.It became known that the Ukrainian actress Ivanna Sakhno approved for the role in the continuation of the American sci-Fi Thriller “Pacific rim”, the producer of which will perform Mexican filmmaker and author Guillermo del Toro. It should be …

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