Hexagonal cloud on Saturn has put scientists in a deadlock

Cloud inexplicably changed its colour.In the atmosphere of Saturn about 30 years ago scientists found a spot of enormous size, having the shape of a hexagon. During the latest observations they found that the cloud inexplicably changed its colour. Hexagonal spot in the planet’s atmosphere is located on the Northern …

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The experts identified the most reliable used cars

The German technical Supervisory society has published the rating of most reliable cars with mileage.Experts from the German society for technical supervision TÜV Wednesday, November 2, assessed the reliability of used cars, after reviewing the results of nine million inspections. The rating was headed by two German brands: the luxury …

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The US tried to blow up the emitter of climate weapons

U.S. police arrested the perpetrators who planned the attack on the HAARP installation in Alaska, “to liberate the human soul.” A project to study the ionosphere of the U.S. air force has repeatedly been the center of various conspiracy theories, where appeared in the role of climate weapons or emitter …

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Named unexpected cause of pneumonia

Bad teeth can cause this serious disease.Regular examination of the teeth will not only help maintain a beautiful smile, but also to protect themselves from pneumonia. Scientists at the Virginia Commonwealth University proved the dependence of the patients teeth and pneumonia. Timely identification of problems of the oral cavity reduces …

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13 famous people who were called losers. Photo

Famous, beautiful and rich weren’t always like this. Sometimes it seems that luck passes you by and we begin to sincerely jealous of successful people. But even the most successful people know what the black stripe. The people who made our list have proved that the key to success is …

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In Poland, brutally beat the Ukrainian

The police say that the attackers took the man by the Russians.In the Polish city of rzeszów on Monday, October 31, 4 men brutally beat the Ukrainian, who became the protection of polka. About it reports the edition Rzeszow News. “Sat in a restaurant a citizen of Ukraine with his …

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Italy was rocked by a powerful earthquake

Magnitude was 4.8. A magnitude 4.8 earthquake occurred on Thursday, November 3, in Central Italy, according to the European-Mediterranean seismological centre. The epicenter was located 134 km North of Rome and 55 miles East of Perugia affected by the earthquake of October 26. The earthquake lies at a depth of …

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