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Original ways to use lonely socks. Photo

Оригинальные способы использования «одиноких» носков. ФотоWhat to do with a sock without a pair.

There is no sadder story in the world than the socks always lose their “other half”. Seriously: the man who will find a solution to the problem of the lost sock, probably will get the Nobel prize and eternal fame. Although, it seems like things are already possible to find a Chinese online stores. But the speech now not about them. And that even a lonely sock you can think of quite a useful application. Do not be surprised if after this material you even want to be cruel, and especially to separate a few couples.

If after the next washing or cleaning global you left some socks from different pairs, you can be extravagant and wear them together. And it is possible to come up with an alternative application. And use as:

1. Comfortable dusters

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Try this way to clean blinds is really easy!

2. Of the puppets

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The good thing is, if you have children. Otherwise, you risk to have an imaginary friend. And who knows what’s on his mind…

3. Warmer for bottles or cups

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Just cut the lower part of the sock very cute, and tea, water or coffee will always be cool enough or warm enough. And no more burnt fingers!

4. “Trap” for the draft

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From several different socks stuffed with rice or cotton and sewn together, you get a comfortable lining under the door. And no amount of drafts will be terrible.

5. Safe the vacuum attachments

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Worried that during the vacuuming will delay some small items, like lost last week’s earrings? Just pull a sock on the pipe and secure it tight with a regular elastic. Loss quickly there, but will not damage expensive equipment.

6. Remedies for cold compress

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Frozen in the package a liquid or gel – an excellent remedy for cold compress against injuries and other types of pain. But too close a contact with low temperatures can harm your skin. Next time, use cut edges of the sock as a cover or pillow to compress.

7. Remedies for hot compress

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Need warming up? Pour in the rice sock and tie region. Send design in the microwave for 30 seconds and enjoy a nice warm compress.

8. Balls for drying

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Tennis ball, a sock and a thick elastic band – basic set for effective washing of soft tissue and even pillows. The filler will remain in place, and the linen will become soft even without conditioner.

9. Covers for chair legs

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The stool scrapes the precious parquet? Enough is enough. “Pereobuyte” his soft socks and move as you want.

10. Socks

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A pair of scissors movements – what could be easier?

11. Refillable air freshener for shoes

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Pour in the toe baking soda, lock the region with a rubber band and put it inside the Shoe for the night. All odors disappear without a trace. At least until the next time.

12. Headbands

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Another idea for winter warmth.

13. Not the usual scarf

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The easiest way to competently dispose of immediately all the single socks: just cut the bottom and sew them together! Than nesovmestimoe prints, the better.

14. Rope

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You could hardly think.

15. The “donut” for a beautiful bun or other updo

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