Home / Medicine / Onion diet for weight loss: menus and recommendations

Onion diet for weight loss: menus and recommendations

Луковая диета для похудения: меню и рекомендацииOnion diet is quite effective, in 1 week you can get rid of 5 pounds.

A vegetarian diet, as everyone probably already know, completely eliminates from the menu of meat and fish in any form.

During its observance the human body is experiencing a great demand in b vitamins, iron, selenium, and zinc.

In addition, it is undesirable to give up eggs and fresh milk, because it may lead to lack of calcium and protein.

What products can I use with onion diet

One of the most popular among our contemporaries and, most importantly, effective today, from all vegetarian diets is onion diet for weight loss. The name itself, of course, sounds pretty frightening, but, nevertheless, in reality, it is absolutely not bad during this diet are allowed to eat:
all kinds of vegetables,
dark green lettuce leaves,
legumes, nuts, peaches,
uncleaned grain,
the apricots.

It’s also possible to consume foods which contain calcium in sufficient quantity, such as:
In addition, the French sometimes recommended to adjust the onion diet and add some low-fat products because a monotonous diet may lead to malfunction of the whole organism.

Great news for food lovers a lot, is that during this diet are allowed to eat onion soup in unlimited quantities. The reason is simple – a vegetable, like an onion almost does not contain calories, and most importantly, it is good to burn fats. The mechanism of action of the bow lies in the fact that the body spends much more energy just for processing soup, that is, spends more energy than the soup gives it to the person. For this reason, the greater number of French meals You eat the faster you lose weight.

The minimum period of such a diet is 1 week already by the end of it You will be able to feel and enjoy the wonderful results, because for this short period of time it is possible not particularly straining to part with 3-8 pounds of fat. Onion diet is considered fairly gentle, as a particular, excessively stringent restrictions upon its observance no. The most important thing is that you must strictly adhere to absolutely everyone, without exception recommendations.

Key recommendations

During the week the onion diet should:

Try to drink plenty of still pure water (minimum 2 liters/day), coffee and tea only without sugar.

To completely abandon the use of sweet carbonated water, various dairy products, sugar and bread.

Completely eliminate from your menu any alcohol (drinking alcohol might be only a day later after finishing this diet).

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