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On both iPhone and iPad to restore notes

Как на iPhone и iPad восстановить заметки I’m sure many owners of gadgets on iOS faced with the problem of missing notes.

“Notes” are very popular app on the iPhone and iPad, through which you can create shopping lists, draw, superelevate personal information and do other useful things without installing additional applications from third-party developers, who are often paid or distributed by subscription.

In this article we will tell you how to recover deleted notes on iPhone and iPad and under what conditions it can be done.

Exactly as in the Photos, subject to the availability of free space on the iPhone and iPad, the deleted record is created in “Notes”, will be stored in a virtual shopping cart another 30 days. If this deadline has passed, then, alas, the data is permanently deleted.

Как на iPhone и iPad восстановить заметки

How to recover deleted notes on iPhone and iPad:

Launch the Notes app and if you are not in the root directory, press the “

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