Home / Business / Olga Veter left the project, leaving her husband Gleb Zhemchugova

Olga Veter left the project, leaving her husband Gleb Zhemchugova


Participant of “House-2”, the wife of Gleb Zhemchugova Olga Wind together with his son left the project. The girl had moved to the rented apartment in Moscow.

Olga’s husband Gleb didn’t believe to the wife about leaving the “House-2”, but to leave the project he did not intend.

Gleb and Olga

By the way, Olga has recently won the competition show “man of the year” and received as a prize a large apartment. Nevertheless Gleb left on the project, and it’s not clear, if he goes after your family. Fans agreed that Pearl is afraid that you will not be able to adequately provide for his family without the help of the project.

But Olga has admitted that he wants to leave the reality show and live a normal life without cameras.

Gleb with his son

“And I’m slowly settling in. Half the room for her son almost ready, left the final touches. Rented the apartment in Moscow. My only in December will be ready. But far from it. So while living there do not plan to. Gleb was alone,” wrote Olga Wind in Instagram (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Approx.ed.).

Olga Wind son

Members of a young mother supported her choice: “I did Everything right. And don’t pay attention to evil people!”, “Boy, that went along with the son of Gleb, now you have and apartment and favorite son, Gleb, now let the elbows bites,” “Clever, good for you on the “House-2″ to observe, one can see that a loving mother, a good wife, you’re good!” — wrote fans.

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