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Old money in a new way

Старые деньги на новый лад


According to the source, who asked not to be identified in the near future the monetary circulation of some African countries may undergo significant changes.

The fact that before the election the Central Commission pripisyvanie Africa began to receive bags of letters of workers, in which they complain of small salary, which is barely enough to feed the family.

In their letters, the African workers need to change and declare that they may refuse to provide names and passwords on the spur of the plots perepisyvalas of the Commission and, thereby, to give the crooks and thieves party “Our business” in the elections.

But this is – a scandal ! For Africa is on the head not Pat. And given the coming human “leapfrog” today the African corrupt officials are afraid that they are not translated into simple bureaucrats. Because then they will lose their criminal and illegitimate income, and privileges, and other “pleasantness.”

Therefore, African authorities need to take urgent decision on the “divorce” of the working people. The idea, suggested by their corrupt, is that before the elections, ordinary African workers will receive much more money per month. The problem there is that it will be money of the smallest denomination.

Then pockets of African workers are full of money and no one can accuse corrupt officials that there is no money. And the astonished exclamations of simple hard workers that they still do not have enough money for the life of the African corrupt already prepared the answer: “Eat less !”.

See how simple – don’t eat and you don’t have to borrow money for my own funeral.

African corrupt officials have long understood that their own people they did not need. To realise their profits, they will cost quite powerless and voiceless migrant workers…


Sergey Paliy.

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