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Oil: the results of the Doha talks depends on Moscow and Riyadh

Нефть: результаты переговоров в Дохе зависят от Москвы и Эр-Рияда

In the Qatari capital Doha was attended by the Ministers of the countries-exporters of oil, transfers TV channel “Russia 24”. It is expected that in the meeting, which will begin on Sunday, April 17, will be participating 17 States controlling 70 percent of global oil exports. The outcome of the meeting will largely depend on developments in the oil market in the coming months.

In addition to the majority of the members of OPEC, the discussion will involve other leading players of the fuel market, including Russia. Our country is Minister of energy Alexander Novak. He has already held preliminary talks with his Saudi counterpart. At an upcoming meeting of oil exporters will try to agree on a freeze of production at the level of January of this year.

According to experts, the results of the negotiations particularly strongly depend on the positions of Moscow and Riyadh. But the incoming OPEC delegation in Iran to Doha has not arrived: the lifting of sanctions after Tehran intends to increase oil exports. In turn, Minister of energy of Azerbaijan, has stated that OPEC can offset the increase in production in Iran due to the revision of the overall quota.

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