Home / Oil / Oil Corporation Nigeria suspected in the theft of $16 billion

Oil Corporation Nigeria suspected in the theft of $16 billion

Нефтяную госкорпорацию Нигерии заподозрили в хищении $16 млрд

The Nigerian national petroleum Corporation (NNPC) had paid the Treasury $16 billion, official audit.

However, as stated in Parliament by the representative of the audit chamber of the country, the Corporation did not explain what happened to these funds, reports the BBC Russian service.

The President of the country Mohammad Bukhari, when he assumed office in may 2015, promised to fight corruption. Two-thirds of the revenues of the country brings the oil industry.

The company recently was connected by a series of scandals involving corruption and embezzlement of funds. In February, the authorities announced that NNPC will be divided into 7 smaller companies.

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