Home / Medicine / Nutritionists told us how to eat and lose weight for busy people

Nutritionists told us how to eat and lose weight for busy people

Диетологи рассказали, как питаться и сбрасывать вес занятым людямA business man is difficult to watch her figure, but more a category of people inferior, wrong time, and generally wrong.

Experts on weight loss know exactly what and how, and in what quantity, you need to eat to lose weight or keep it on the same level. Those who lead a sedentary life, it is much easier to plan and make the diet than other people whose work schedule is considered irregular.

The business man often does not care for the Breakfast, its lunch can not be assigned to 13:00 and 15:00 when the stomach is twisted from hunger and eats himself. In fact, so among busy people too so many of those who have ulcer or gastritis of the stomach.

As now almost all of modern society is committed to health, most people give up Smoking, junk food and other nasty things that destroy the cells of the body and reduce life expectancy by several decades. Including business people who spend day and night on his “favorite” work.

Nutritionists still insist that Sunday anyone never, in that not enough time, made a meal plan for the coming week, and also made the purchase of all necessary products and prepared meals for 2-3 days ahead. Still, it is useful to buy food containers that are very easily placed in the bag. These tips will be useful to those who really want to improve your health, lose weight and build metabolism.

The approximate menu for one day:

Breakfast. After waking up and before Breakfast to drink two glasses of plain water at room temperature. Oatmeal pour the yogurt in the evening and in the morning add to bowl of chopped Apple and 6 to 8 kernels of almonds. Coffee or green tea, but without sugar, with honey.

The second Breakfast. An Apple or a banana.

Lunch. Boiled poultry or fish portion shall be not less than 200 gr. Buckwheat or rice. Salad from any vegetables, if there was no time to cut vegetables, you can eat them whole. Whole wheat bread 1-2 slices.

An afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with dried fruit and low-fat sour cream. Green tea or freshly brewed coffee, again without sugar.

Dinner. Vegetable salad and two eggs, hard boiled. Black bread or bran. Before sleep, allowed to drink a glass of kefir or plain yogurt.

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