Home / Medicine / Nutritionists told me how the color of the product affects their benefit to the body

Nutritionists told me how the color of the product affects their benefit to the body

Диетологи рассказали, как цвет продуктов влияет на их пользу для организмаThey have different healing properties.

Want your food to bring the body benefits, not just empty calories? Fill the plate with bright vegetables that stimulate the immune system and accelerate the metabolism.

The red color in fruits and vegetables provide lycopene – antioxidants that protect the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and even prevent some cancers. In addition, red vegetables and fruits have lots of anthocyanins – plant pigments and one of the most powerful plant flavonoids. Substance reduces the chance of heart attacks and is considered to be effective in the prevention of cancer. And supports healthy urinary system and prevents memory impairment.

Red and yellow vegetables and fruits – reliable support your immune system. They are rich in carotenoids, which are metabolized in the body into vitamin A. Doctors believe that it is equally important for the formation of the immune system than vitamin C. it is Unlikely most of us will come up with the idea that carrots or pumpkin will help not to get sick in the midst of seasonal flu and SARS, but nevertheless it is! A nice bonus: “sun” fruits and vegetables contribute to adequate functioning of the reproductive system and make your skin healthy and radiant.

Green is your color, if you want without starvation and strict diets to get rid of excess weight. The fact that all green vegetables contain plenty of fiber and very few calories. If the bulk of your plate is filled with green peppers, zucchini, lettuce and herbs, you will not be hunger – tion. Complement green vegetables with fish or lean meat, and the benefits from such a dinner and the calorie content is very modest. Chlorophyll, which is rich in green vegetables, is considered to be effective in preventing many types of cancer, and in addition, has an alkaline effect. Most of us due to malnutrition (food, fast food, sandwiches) increased acidity of gastric juice, and green vegetables help to restore optimum pH level. In addition, the green contains a variety of plant elements that are damaging carcinogens and is necessary for healthy bones and teeth.

White and beige vegetables and fruits externally may seem less impressive than
red or purple. But actually this is a real storehouse of antioxidants, which help reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol, lower blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease. Many products of this color (for example, garlic, contain allicin – a chemical compound that can reduce the likelihood of stomach cancer and slow the growth of tumors. And another nice detail: light vegetables often have a rich structure, so that you can use hundreds of different recipes.

Purple vegetables and fruits formulated with active botanicals that reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease and improve memory. And vegetables of red color, they contain powerful antioxidants. Turns out, eggplants or red cabbage nutrients, no less than in blueberries, and blueberries! It is obvious that the spring salad with red cabbage will cost much cheaper than fresh berries. Learn new recipes of salads and stews, to include in the diet as much as possible products of this group.

Apples – one of the most effective means to reduce “bad” cholesterol.
Spice up sweet potatoes Mexican jalapeno pepper: the capsaicin contained in it helps to resist viruses and bacteria.

The most powerful stimulants of the immune system are located in the citrus zest, not pulp.

After an intense workout, eat a juicy watermelon. Its flesh much citrulline is a substance that helps to release lactic acid, which we owe to pain in the muscles.

New studies have shown that kiwi fruit helps to cope with fatigue and even depression.

Cooked tomatoes are healthier than raw: after the heat treatment the antioxidants lycopene easier to digest.

Doctors have proved that a Cup of blueberries a few times a week can accelerate the burning of fat in the waist area by 77%.

Cook fresh mushrooms along with dried – so you not only enhance the taste but will absorb the maximum nutrients.

Eat green vegetables with foods rich in vitamin C and iron will be better absorbed.

Red cabbage has more vitamin A and iron than white. This is a great ingredient for salads!

For a quick snack take the coconut flakes without sugar. Coconut is rich in healthy fats that provide your body with energy.

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