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Nutritionists have shared power system of the American astronauts

Диетологи поделились системой питания американских астронавтовIt is through this power system created the famous “Kremlin diet”.

Initially in the CIS this diet appeared under the bureaucratic name of “Conditional feed efficiency. Has been used to produce food for the military and astronauts of the USA”. It quickly became popular among high-ranking officials and eventually became “the Kremlin diet”..

Dieting refers to malouglevodnomu, so the main principle of supply — limiting the number of products containing carbohydrates: sweet, flour, potato dishes, bread, rice, fruits, confectionery.

Eat any protein foods, including: meat, fish, cheese, vegetables and fewer carbohydrates and other foods with “low cost”. Moreover, the consumption of products with low cost is permitted in any volume, therefore during the application of this diet do not feel the hunger. However, remember that excessive protein foods in the diet can cause severe constipation. Therefore, be sure to include the diet as much as possible of the allowed vegetables and try to eat nutritious proteins, except for sausages, smoked meats, fatty meats, fried meat. Try to give preference to lean meats, poultry, seafood.

Due to a limitation on the number of carbs, the body begins to metabolize its own fat, which leads to fast weight reduction.

This power guarantees the loss of up to 2-3 pounds a week.

To lose weight, you need to bring your daily diet to the following criteria:

for weight loss about 40.e. a day.

— to save weight — from 40.e. 60.e.

— weight gain occurs when you set more than 60.e.

— in the diet to 40.e. it is possible for 8 days to lose 5.5 kg.

An exemplary scoring table of the diet of American astronauts:

Product name, 100 gr. or PCs Glasses (.e.)

Boiled meat – 0
Vegetable oil – 0
Mayonnaise – 0
Margarine – 0
Broth any – 0
Mineral water – 0
Coffee without sugar – 0
Tea without sugar – 0
Egg, 1 PCs of 0.5
Sausage – 1
Ham – 1
Wine, 250 ml – 1
Whiskey, 150 ml – 1
Cheese is 0.5 – 2 depending on the grade
Fish – 6
Tomatoes, 1 piece – 6
Pepper, 1 piece – 9
Cabbage boiled – 9
Brains – 12
Soup – 12 – 16 depending on species
Apples, 1 piece – 18
Boiled potatoes, 1 piece – 23
Med – 24
Pear, 1 piece – 25
Black bread – 40
Fig – 40
Pasta – 40
Semolina – 40
White bread – 48
Cake cream 62
Ice-cream – 70

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