Home / Oil / Novak found guilty in the failure of the negotiations in Doha

Novak found guilty in the failure of the negotiations in Doha

Новак нашел виновных в провале переговоров в Дохе

The Minister of energy of Russia Alexander Novak called the perpetrators of the failure of the negotiations of the countries-oil producers in Doha (Qatar). He told about it in interview to NTV television, posted on Monday, April 18.

“Some OPEC countries have changed just before the beginning of the meeting their position. This is Saudi Arabia and some Gulf countries,” said the official.

According to the head of the Ministry of energy, they suggested that the freezing of oil production necessarily supported by other countries that did not participate in the meeting. “This is the rest of the country-members of OPEC, including Iran and Libya. And exporters, majors of countries outside of OPEC,” he added.

Earlier, Novak noted that OPEC countries often act together with the new proposals, despite the fact that previously it was agreed the other position.

On April 17, following the meeting in Doha failed to reach agreement on freezing of oil production. These negotiations are expected in June.

The meeting decided not to send representatives of Iran. According to the Minister of oil of Islamic Republic of Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, the country is not going to sign a plan to freeze the output, so its “participation in this meeting is optional”.

In the beginning of the year oil prices fell to below $ 30 per barrel. The purpose of the meeting in Doha was their adjustment. Draft version of the agreement that the producers were going to discuss involves freezing production at the level of January until October 2016.

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