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Not the last time

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The media are convinced that the world is on the threshold of global changes. No one is arguing that. One clarification — we are in such a situation the last two hundred years.

We live in an era of hysteria. The architecture of the information space is built so that the impression of the approaching “end times.” Even the table chatter sooner or later becomes a key theme of the global crisis in a particular variation.

Let’s be honest: disasters and “dill” is an integral part of the information picture. Which, moreover, sold well. The reality is that new technology over the last decade have facilitated the access to information to the consumer. And the consumer, it is almost not adapted to the new reality. Sounds like sedition, but in the 21st century of disasters and wars did not become more in comparison with the same twentieth century. Became more “live”. And it is to this circumstance we owe our collective phobias.

No more wars, increased the indicators of injustice, had not jumped up the scale of human cruelty. Just the very keyhole, of which we were leaked information about the injustice of the world, the technological revolution has suddenly turned into the door standing open. And stunned we stand on the threshold of blowing information wind, in which shocks have become the norm.

Any talk about the inevitability of a new global war it is good to compare with the stories of grandmothers. Mine, for example, lived in the far East and kept under the bed “evacuation” suitcase — in the event of military conflict with China. The idea of a nuclear strike was an indispensable part of her daily life.

The world has never been stable. There is some kind of haughty snobbery in all statements that we stand today at the turn of the global turmoil. At least because we are seeing the turmoil over the past two centuries. The Napoleonic war had altered the political map of Europe. The revolt of the Decembrists broke the usual relationships within aristocratic elite. The Eastern (Crimean) war, in fact, was world war, — geography of hostilities. The abolition of serfdom turned on the head of the whole civil life of Russia. The period of the bombers marked the advent of political terror. The fighting in the Balkans, the Russo-Japanese war, revolution of 1905. During the reaction, the First world war, two revolutions. Civil war, famine, repression. The second world war, the iron curtain, the Cuban missile crisis… And that is a very rough and hastily compiled list. And where none of those global shocks, that modern experts are so eager to monopolize?

The world really is changing. A redivision of borders, the new technological order, global crises — all this is turning out to reshape the usual order. But in terms of transformation of our civilization lives for at least the last two centuries. The attempt to christen a real “last times”, more like desire media managers to sell the consumer of the old product in a new wrapper.

We don’t have breaks and interruptions. The reality around us will change every 5-10 years. Competitiveness is determined by its ability to adapt to change.

It is pointless to expect change. We must learn to live in them.

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