Home / Oil / Norway in July brought daily oil production to its highest level in 5 years

Norway in July brought daily oil production to its highest level in 5 years

Норвегия в июле довела суточную добычу нефти до максимума за 5 лет

Norway in July of 2016 have achieved the highest performance in terms of daily oil production in March 2011.

So, last month on the Norwegian continental shelf were extracted daily at 1,728 million barrels of oil, according to TASS, citing preliminary figures from the Norwegian petroleum Directorate.

In June, the daily volume of oil production in Norway amounted to 1.44 million barrels, and in July 2015 to 1.56 million barrels.

The total volume of gas supplies from the Norwegian continental shelf last July was 9.1 billion cubic meters (0.9 billion cubic meters more than in June). Thus, forecasts the Norwegian petroleum Directorate has been exceeded by 10%.

As the Agency notes, in many fields the production was carried out more actively than analysts expected. A significant impact on the statistics has the field “Goliath” in the Barents sea, where production began in March 2016.

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